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Central Virgina Swingers, CVA Swingers for short, is a local swingers club for couples & select single ladies and single men with members ranging between 21-50, living in or around the Central Virginia Area who can meet for Full Swap adult fun. We are a non judemental group and are open to all levels of players though, from the novice beginner just starting in the lifestyle, to those with years of  experience, and all those in between. There is never an expectation or requirement to do anything you don't want to, however, we do hope you will partake in all the fun available.


In addition, we are always looking for new venues to hold regular monthly/ bi monthly parties. If any members are interested in hosting an event once or twice, or maybe on going, please let us now. We will sponsor/ co host as many events as possible while a more perminant new location is being found.

About us....

We are a happily married couple married since high school. We entered the lifestyle about 9 years ago after deciding we wanted to expand our sexual experiences together and to exericence various fantasies within respectable and safe boundies within our relationship. Till then we had been soley devoted to just one another. To date we are closer than ever and our sexual life is more exciting that we could have ever thought......  

Location and Party Times

We have been taking a siesta since summer enjoying the parties our many friends have been hosting. We now have permission to advertise some of these for our members to enjoy too. Please look under the events page to see new events and party details. More will be added as they are planned. Since we are not hosting all these, we will provide the hosts contact info if you are interested in that event.



We will start hosting our parties in the comming new year. We curently also have plans for a new perminant location hopefully by summer or next fall. Our own parties are usually held on Saturday nights from 8pm to 1am, once or twice a month. There is no entrance to our parties after 9pm without prior arrangments.

Location information is emailed to all confirmed guests the Friday night before the parties so as not to attract uninvited guest.

CVA Swingers

Contact email:

Basic Party Etiquette and Safety

At all CVA Swingers Parties, we strongly encourage safe sex with the use of condoms by all men. Women share the responsibility to ensure these are used as well. We want all our members to feel comfortable and safe at all events. Please be sure to bring your own condoms and toiletries. All parties are BYOB of your favorite beverages. Light snacks, ice and water and some mixers are provided by the club. Due to limited spce,  NO overnight stays are available. We ask everyone to treat the event locations as if it were your own home and be respectful of ALL GUESTS and STAFF MEMBERS. Although we know alcohol is enjoyable, we ask that you drink responsibly and encourage having a designated driver. If you are unable to drive home, we will be happily to call you a cab at your own expense.

CVA Swingers

The Swinger Group

© 2015 CVA Swingers TM

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